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Welcome our library of documents
used in the Revelation of Jesus Christ syllabus.

Updated Aug 15, 2017

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Please download whatever you need from among these notes and articles. They are posted as PDF (portable document format) files. To read them, you will need Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader. Please note: these PDFs may take up to several minutes to download, depending upon your internet connection speed.

The Revelation
of Jesus Christ

Looking deeply into the heart
and mind of Jesus


The Revelation course materials are undergoing a major revision.

Section TOC: Syllabus Table Of Contents: 6 pages. These pages are currently being updated.

Section A: Introductory Material. 8 pages, updated! These pages explain the presuppositions underlying our course materials, and also provide brief thoughts on hermeneutics.

Section B: Class Session Work Sheets.
Lessons 1 to 18, 42 pages.

Section C: Charts And Diagrams.
This section contains important charts and diagrams, and summarizes the biblical teaching on the Antichrist.

Section D: Study Projects. 28 pages, newly updated!

Section E: Supplemental Texts & Articles. Updated! 28 pages. This set of documents includes the story of The White Stone and other information used in the Revelation course.

Section F: Sources & Resources: 6 pages, 698k. This is the list of works consulted in the process of creating this course. This section is currently being updated.

Section S: Syllabus Dividers: Title page for view binder and section dividers for the syllabus. 16 pages. This section is currently being updated.

Related Articles and Materials

Audio Recordings Of Class Discussions
Go to this page for a listing of mp3 files of the largely unedited class discussions from previous presentations of the Revelation course.

The Antichrist In The Proto-Evangel
God intends that we recognize the Antichrist when he arises in the Middle East. This identification is so important that God began to educate mankind about "Satan’s Seed" in the Garden of Eden. (7 pages, 189k.)

Battling Babylons
Two Babylons will face off in the End Time. One will destroy the other, and then face the wrath og God!  This drama of Revlation 17 and 18 is essential to our understanding of our world’s political and economic future. A “must read” for student’s of Bible prophecy! (68 pages, 3.1Mb.)

The Beast At The Center Of The Earth
A treatise explaining how the biblical prophets understood the End Time geography. This paper argues that the rule of the Beast and the Great Tribulation will be constrained to a limited geographical region (21 pages, 1mb).
This is a technical paper, but highly recommended.

The Cityward Mind Of God

A manifesto for city transformation, this 35-page treatise provides the biblical basis for our eschatological calling (2.6 mb: please be patient while this large file downloads).

The Olivet Discourse
A harmony of Christ's eschatological teaching in the Gospels (5 pages, 88k).

Making The Invisible Visible: An Introduction to The Distinctives of Hebraic Thought and Their Implications for Interpreting The Bible. 19 pages, 428k. This is a technical paper, but highly recommended.

Polishing Our Hermeneutical Glasses:  An introduction to biblical hermeneutics (interpreting the Bible), this study presents 21 principles for interpreting Scripture. This new edition contains additional material on interpreting apocalyptic symbols, as well as a complete index of biblical references cited in the body of the text. 42 pages (21 if duplex printed), 1.5mb.

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